While I could go on a long-winded rant about how I never understood the school of thought to focus on the most constrained and limiting form factor first.. and then try to fabricate more meaning AFTER the fact... even if mobile is your primary demo, its an ass-backwards way of thinking.... but I won't do that. Maybe a blog post for another day after a beer or two.|
Instead, I went about and did some clean up of the XL viewport around here. The max-width has been increased by 33%, and I adjusted some of the way content re-factors at the larger size. It's kind of subtle, but just I figured making a post will help chronicle the struggle that is designing/deving your own site/platform.

I have more updates already in the works (think top navigation) as I procrastinate finishing up case studies. Thats the next highest-priority.. but I've also been distracted with an exciting new tool that I think people might like. More info on that soon :)