This site will never actually be done, but after 5 months of re-thinking, re-polishing, re-everything... it's ready to go to work. The story is pretty cohesive, and the foundation of the site has started to feel sturdy. There's of course many things that can be improved and optimized, but that will come continue to come in time– along with a lot of new features, content, and products.
Before I ramble too much, if you would be so kind, please visit the link below to give it an honest vote, that'd be greatly appreciated:
Additional Context to the site
This new site is the by-product of fundamentally re-thinking how I convey myself to the world as a creative. I've long struggled with how to talk about myself, especially as someone who fought the blanket career advice to focus on specialization and prioritize management skills. I wanted to create a site that reflected the choices I've taken to this point, as an active means to refute the idea there's only one path in this industry. I prioritized showing all types of content together, and focused on ways to break the conventional means of navigating a folio through extensive tagging– again, to blur the lines between content.
To that point, I've gotten some feedback that there lacks clear segmentation between that page's specific content and related content... while I'd agree in every other instance, my intent is to blur the lines between everything here. All the work is part of a bigger narrative than just one project or one item, so making clear delineations isn't as important as enabling discovery. I do string together related items to tell a story in things like case studies, but that's only to check a secondary box to show process and how I approach creating some of these works.
Anywho, I'll pump the breaks on brain dumping everything here. I appreciate the continued support, in spite of going MIA to the world to work on this. Lookin forward to creating new stuff instead of building a home for the past.