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Introducing The Night Calls Playlist
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× Published
5.21.2023 9:01 AM
× Last Updated
5.21.23 8:54 am
Introducing The Night Calls Playlist
5.21.2023 9:01
Introducing Night Calls, another original JW.S playlist. I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear.
Introducing Night Calls, another original JW.S playlist. I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear.
Introducing The Night Calls Playlist
Introducing The Night Calls Playlist
Introducing The Night Calls Playlist
Introducing The Night Calls Playlist

As I'm diving back into some Midjourney explorations, I figured doing some additional world building around a playlist could be an interesting idea. Especially a playlist around the 80s-esque synth-wave genre that already has a known aesthetic attached to it. The series is going to be an on-going thing with new chapters of the story/playlist being released periodically (not on a set cadence). Tons of fun on this one, and hope you enjoy the tunes. As a creature of the night, I'm not sure why I didn't do this playlist sooner.

Follow the playlist on spotify, and as always tell a friend if you enjoy it.

Listen here ↗

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5.21.2023 9:01 AM
× Title
Introducing The Night Calls Playlist
× Category
× Published
5/21/2023 9:01 AM
× Last Updated
5.21.23 8:54 am
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